
发布时间:2023-10-31 来源:bet体育365官网网站

姓 名:阳颖飞

性 别:


邮 箱:yfyang@jnu.edu.cn



2008.09-2012.07, 重庆大学, 材料科学与工程, 学士;

2012.09-2015.09, 中国科学院大学, 腐蚀科学与防护, 其他

2015.09-2017.06, 中国科学技术大学, 腐蚀科学与防护, 博士;


2017.07-2017.12 美的生活电器研究院先行开发工程师;

2017.12-2021.12 bet体育365官网网站先进耐磨蚀及功能材料研究院讲师;




2)广州市科技计划项目,重点领域研发计划专项面向高端装备的高性能涂层材料及制备技术 (202007020008)子课题,主持,在研,省部级;



52022年度广州市基础与应用基础项目“NiCrAlY 涂层表、界面行为调控及抗高温氧化性能研究(已立项),主持,在研,省部级;



[1] Y.F. Yang, Q. Xiao, L.L. Yang, P. Ren*, W. Li, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Effect of Nitrogen on High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of AlN-doped Gradient Coating, Corrosion Science, 199 (2022) 110155.

[2] Q.W. Wang, J.L. Huang, J.N. Liu, Y.F. Yang*, G.F. Han, W. Li, Enhanced performance of electrodeposited Ni-SiC plating as an alternative to electroplated chromium deposits: the effect of pulse duty cycle, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 10 (2022) 015024.

[3] Y.F. Yang, S.X. Ren, C. M. Deng, P. Ren*, P. M. Zhang*, R. L. Peng, Z.B. Bao, W. Li, Synergistic effect of Pt and Hf on the early-stage oxidation behaviour of NiAl coating at 1000 °C, Corrosion communication (accepted)

[4] S. Li, M.M. Xu, C.Y. Zhang, Z.B. Bao*, Y.F. Yang*, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Effect of pre-oxidation on the failure mechanisms of EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings with (Ni,Pt)Al bond coats, Corrosion Science, 193 (2021) 109873.

[5] A. Ullah, A. Khan, Z.B. Bao*, Y.F. Yang*, M.M. Xu, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Temperature Effect on Early Oxidation Behavior of NiCoCrAlY Coatings: Microstructure and Phase Transformation, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),  114 (2021) 1-10.

[6] Y.F. Yang, Q. Xiao, P. Ren*, W. Li, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Improved oxidation resistance of γ-TiAl intermetallics by sputtered Ni+ CrAlYHfSiN composite coating, Corrosion Science, 187 (2021) 109510.

[7] W.B. Li, K. Chen, L.L. Liu, Y.F. Yang*, S.L. Zhu, Effect of SiO2–Al2O3 Glass Composite Coating on the Oxidation Behavior of Ti60 Alloy, Materials, 13 (2020) 5085.

[8] Y.F. Yang, P. Ren*, Z.B. Bao, C.M. Deng, W. Li, The hot corrosion resistance of typical bond coat in thermal barrier coatings, Aeronautical manufacturing technology, 63 (2020) 34-40/47.

[9] Y.F. Yang, P. Ren*, Z.B. Bao, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, W. Li, Microstructure and cyclic oxidation of a Hf-doped (Ni, Pt) Al coating for single-crystal superalloys, Journal of Material Science, 55 (2020).11687-11700

[10]Y.F. Yang, P. Ren*, Z.B. Bao, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Effect of Pt-rich position on the hot corrosion behavior of NiCoCrAlY coating for a single-crystal superalloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 395 (2020) 125938.

[11]Y.F. Yang, P. Ren*, Z.B. Bao, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, W. Li, Isothermal Oxidation of Four Typical High-temperature Protective Coatings, Surface technology, 49 (2020) 49-55.

[12] Y.F. Yang, Z.L. Liu, P. Ren*, Q.W. Wang*, Z.B. Bao, S.L. Zhu, W. Li, Hot corrosion behavior of Pt+ Hf co-modified NiAl coating in the mixed salt of Na2SO4-NaCl at 900° C, Corrosion Science, 167 (2020) 108527.

[13] P. Ren*, Y.F. Yang*, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Effect of Ti on the microstructure change and oxidation behavior of Ni+ CrAlYHfSiN composite coatings, Corrosion Science, 150 (2019) 54-63.

[14] Q.W. Wang, D. Li, Y.F. Yang*, X. Wang, Q. Chang, G. Han, S. Zhu, W. Li, Effect of extrusion on the microstructure and thermomechanical behavior of continuously electromagnetic casting AZ31, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 1065b1062.

[15] Y.F. Yang, H.R. Yao, Z.B. Bao*, P. Ren*, W. Li, Modification of NiCoCrAlY with Pt: Part I. Effect of Pt depositing location and cyclic oxidation performance, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 35 (2019) 341-349.

[16] W.B. Li, L.L. Liu, Y.F. Yang*, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Hot Corrosion Behavior of SiO2–Al2O3–Glass Composite Coating on Ti–47Al–2Cr–2Nb Alloy: Diffusion Barrier for S and Cl, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 32 (2019) 599-606.

[17] P. Ren*, Y.F. Yang*, W. Li, S.L Zhu, F.H. Wang, Cyclic oxidation behavior of a multilayer composite coating for single-crystal superalloys, Corrosion Science, 145 (2018) 26-34.

[18] Y.F. Yang, C.Y. Jiang, Z.B. Bao*, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Hot corrosion behaviour of single-phase platinum-modified aluminide coatings: Effect of Pt content and pre-oxidation, Corrosion Science, 127 (2017) 82-90.

[19] Y.F. Yang, C.Y. Jiang, Z.B. Bao*, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Effect of aluminisation characteristics on the microstructure of single phase beta-(Ni,Pt)Al coating and the isothermal oxidation behaviour, Corrosion Science, 106 (2016) 43-54.

[20] Y.F. Yang, C.Y. Jiang, Z.B. Bao*, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Cyclic oxidation and rumpling behaviour of single phase β-(Ni, Pt) Al coatings with different thickness of initial Pt plating, Corrosion Science, 111 (2016) 162-174.

[21] Y.F. Yang, C.Y. Jiang, Z.B. Bao*, S.L. Zhu, F.H. Wang, Preparation and enhanced oxidation performance of a Hf-doped single-phase Pt-modified aluminide coating, Corrosion Science, 113 (2016) 17-25.


(1) 阳颖飞,任盼,李卫,一种抗高温氧化的MCrAlY涂层及制备方法和应用,, CN20181 0453138.5

(2) 王启伟,阳颖飞,张鹏,李双建,俞传永,朱胜,李卫 ; 一种兼具耐磨和耐蚀功能的复合镀层及其电解液与制备方法, ZL202011400547.2

(3) 任盼,阳颖飞,李卫,一种用于高温合金防护的复合金属陶瓷涂层及其制备方法, ZL 201810632822.X