
发布时间:2023-10-31 来源:bet体育365官网网站

姓 名:郭柏松

性 别:





邮 箱:guobaisong@jnu.edu.cn






2008.07-2012.06  江西理工大学(本科)   冶金工程(有色金属)

2013.09-2018.12  中南大学(硕博连读)    材料科学与工程       


2021.12-至今   bet体育365官网网站  副研究员(破格)

2021.03-2022.03  香港城市大学  访问助理教授

2019.10-2021.12  bet体育365官网网站  讲师

2018.12-2019.09  中南大学粉末冶金研究院  科研助理

2012.07-2013.08  广东省广业资产经营集团有限公司  助理工程师


  1. 2021年度湖南省优秀博士论文

  2. 2021年度中南大学优秀博士论文

  3. 2018年度中南大学拔尖博士生校长一等奖学金

  4. 2018年度西北有色金属研究院一等奖学金

  5. 2017年度博士研究生国家奖学金

  6. 2015年度博士研究生国家奖学金


  1. 国家自然科学基金委,青年项目,52004101,纳米Cu层包覆CNTs增强Al基复合材料中Al-(Cu)-CNTs复合界面构筑及其强韧化机理,2021/01-2023/1224万元,在研,主持

  2. 中国博士后科学基金会,第13批特别资助(站中)项目,2020T130246,晶内CNTs-Al2Cu双纳米相增强Al基复合材料的搅拌铸造法制备及强韧化机理,2020/08-2022/0818万元,在研,主持

  3. 广东省人社厅,广东省青年优秀人才国际培养计划博士后项目,石墨烯增强CrCoNi中熵合金基复合材料的低温变形机制及力学性能研究,2021/03-2022/0240万元,结题,主持

  4. 广东省科学技术厅,粤穗区域联合基金-青年项目,2020A1515110621,基于CNTsCu纳米孪晶协同效应实现Cu基复合材料强韧化和高导电性的制备工艺和机理研究,2021/01-2022/1210万元,在研,主持

  5. 广州市科学技术局,广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目,基于三维网状石墨烯和纳米孪晶的高强高导Cu基复合材料的设计制备及强化机理,2021/01-2022/125万元,在研,主持

  6. bet体育365官网网站,中央高校基本业务费青年项目,Al/CNTs复合材料中扩散界面设计构建及其与强韧性内在耦合机制研究,2020/01-2022/129万元,在研,主持

  7. 西北工业大学,凝固技术国家重点实验室开放课题, SKLSP202121,高性能 CNTs 增强 AlLiCu 基复合材料的液相铸造法制备及多元强化机制研究,2021/01-2022/1210元,在研,主持

  8. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大研究计划, 92166112, 层状异构铜基偏晶合金激光-感应复合熔覆增材制造工艺及载流磨损与烧蚀行为研究, 2022-01-01  2024-12-31, 80万元, 在研, 参与

  9. 国家自然科学基金委,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,51820105001,铝合金时效全过程中多尺度三维结构演变及其与力学性能相关性的量化规律,2019/01-2023/12246万元,在研,参与 


  1. Baisong Guo, Yiqiang Chen, Zhangwei Wang*, Jianhong Yi, Song Ni, Yong Du, Wei Li, Min Song*, Enhancement of strength and ductility by interfacial nano-decoration in carbon nanotube/aluminum matrix composites, Carbon, 2020(159) 201-212.

  2. Baisong Guo, Xinming Zhang, Xi Cen, Biao Chen, Xinhua Wang, Min Song*, Song Ni, Jianhong Yi, Tao Shen, Yong Du, Enhanced mechanical properties of aluminum based composites reinforced by chemically oxidized carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 2018(139) 459-471.

  3. Baisong Guo, Biao Chen, Xinming Zhang, Xi Cen, Xinhua Wang, Min Song*, Song Ni, Jianhong Yi, Tao Shen, Yong Du, Exploring the size effects of Al4C3 on the mechanical properties and thermal behaviors of Al based composites reinforced by SiC and carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 2018(135) 224-235.

  4. Baisong Guo*, Min Song, Xinming Zhang, Yangzhen Liu, Xi Cen, Biao Chen**, Wei Li, Exploiting the synergic strengthening effects of stacking faults in carbon nanotubes reinforced aluminum matrix composites for enhanced mechanical properties, Composites Part B, 2021(211) 108646.

  5. Baisong Guo*, Siwei Luo, Yue Wu, Min Song, Biao Chen, Zhentao Yu**, Wei Li***, Regulating the interfacial reaction between carbon nanotubes and aluminum via copper nano decoration, Materials Science and Engineering A 820 (2021) 141576.

  6. Baisong Guo, Min Song, Xinming Zhang, Xi Cen, Wei Li*, Biao Chen, Qiwei Wang*, Achieving high combination of strength and ductility of Al matrix composite via in-situ formed Ti-Al3Ti core-shell particle, Materials Characterization, 2020 (170) 110666.

  7. Baisong Guo, Yong Du, Nie Yan, Min Song*, Mechanical properties and microstructures of Al-10Mg-4.5Si matrix composites reinforced by carbon nanotubes, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2019(792) 860-868.

  8. Baisong Guo, Min Song*, Jianhong Yi, Song Ni, Tao Shen, Yong Du, Improving the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes reinforced pure aluminum matrix composites by achieving non-equilibrium interface, Materials & Design, 2017(120) 56-65.

  9. Baisong Guo, Song Ni, Jianhong Yi, Zhonghua Tang, Yong Du, Min Song*, Microstructures and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes reinforced pure aluminum composites synthesized by spark plasma sintering and hot rolling, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017(698):282-288.

  10. Baisong Guo, Song Ni, Rujuan Shen, Min Song*, Fabrication of Ti–Al3Ti core–shell structured particle reinforced Al based composite with promising mechanical properties, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015(639):269-273.

  11. Baisong Guo, Xinming Zhang, Xi Cen, Xinhua Wang, Min Song*, Song Ni, Jianhong Yi, Tao Shen, Yong Du, Ameliorated mechanical and thermal properties of SiC reinforced Al matrix composites through hybridizing carbon nanotubes, Materials Characterization, 2018(136) 272–280.

  12. Baisong Guo, Jianhong Yi, Song Ni, Rujuan Shen, Min Song*, Factors affecting the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Al3Ti core-shell structured particle-reinforced Al matrix composites, Philosophical Magazine, 2016(96):1197-1211.

  13. Jiawei Wu, Xunhui Tang, Xinming Zhang, Xi Cen, Baisong Guo*, Biao Chen, Wei Li,Zhiguo Zhang⁎, Realizing the combination of high strength and good ductility of Cumatrix composites with CrCoNi reinforcement particles and microlaminated structure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021(872) 159632.

  14. Wenqian Wu, Lin Guo, Baisong Guo*, Yong Liu, Min Song, Altered microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiMo0.15 High-entropy alloy by cryogenic rolling, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019(759)574-582.

  15. Xinhua Wang, Baisong Guo*, Song Ni*, Jianhong Yi, Min Song, Acquiring well balanced strength and ductility of Cu/CNTs composites with uniform dispersion of CNTs and strong interfacial bonding, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018(733)144-152.



  1. 宋旼,郭柏松,一种高致密化核壳结构颗粒增强Al基复合材料及其制备方法,CN201910900031.5

  2. 宋旼,郭柏松,一种Cu-CNTs复合纳米导线及其制备方法和应用,CN202111071651.6

  3. 郭柏松,李卫,一种高强韧中熵CrCoNi颗粒增强Cu基复合材料及其制备方法,CN202011181375.4

  4. 郭柏松,李卫,于振涛,一种高强韧富Ti纳米颗粒增强CuAl基复合材料及其制备方法,CN202110867787.1

  5. 郭柏松,吴悦,于振涛,李卫,一种CrCoNi中熵合金增强Al基复合材料及其制备方法,CN202111066166.X