
发布时间:2023-10-31 来源:bet体育365官网网站

姓 名:杜续生

性 别:



邮 箱:xdusydjn@jnu.edu.cn



2004年中国科学院化学研究所博士毕业后进入中山大学做博士后,之后加入悉尼大学先进材料与技术中心(CAMT)历任APD FellowResearch AssociateResearch Fellow,在该中心从事科研工作至2016年底加入bet体育365官网网站。目前仍为悉尼大学Honorary Research Fellow,并为广东省科技项目、智利国家科技项目(The National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development,FONDECYT)等评审专家等。近年来在ACS Nano, Chem. Mater.,Carbon等期刊上发表SCI论文70余篇,专利5项,英文著作章节2篇。论文现总被引次数约2100次,H-index 27





4.悉尼大学校级项目multifunctional graphene based polymer composites

5.澳大利亚ARC Discovery project novel nanostructured high energy cathode materials






1) Y Mo, H. Zhou, B. Zhang, X. Du*, Z. Lin, W. Li, H.Y. Liu, Y.-W. Mai, Facile flame catalytic growth of carbon nanomaterials on the surface of carbon nanotubes, Applied Surface Science 2019,465, 23-30

2) H. Zhou, H. Wang, X. Du*, Y. Zhang, H. Zhou, H. Yuan, H.-Y. Liu, Y.-W. Mai, Facile fabrication of large 3D graphene filler modified epoxy composites with improved thermal conduction and tribological performance, Carbon, 2018, 139,1168-1177

3) H. Zhou, X. Du,* H.-Y. Liu, H. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Y.-W. Mai. Delamination toughening of carbon fiber/epoxy laminates by hierarchical carbon nanotube-short carbon fiber interleaves. Composites Science and Technology 2017, 140, 46-53.

4) X. Du*, H. Zhou, W. Sun, H. Y. Liu, G. Zhou, H. Zhou, Y.-W. Mai. Graphene/epoxy interleaves for delamination toughening and monitoring of crack damage in carbon fibre/epoxy composite laminates. Composites Science and Technology 2017, 140, 123-133.

5) Du X; Liu H-Y; Mai Y-W. Ultrafast Synthesis of Multifunctional N?Doped Graphene Foam in an Ethanol Flame. ACS Nano, 2016, 10:453

6) Du X.; Zhou C.; Liu H.-Y.; Mai Y.-W.; Wang, GX. Facile chemical synthesis of nitrogen-doped graphene sheets and their electrochemical capacitance. J. Power Sources 2013,241, 460.

7) Du X,Liu H, Zhou C., Moody S., Mai YW. On the flame synthesis of carbon nanotubes grafted onto carbon fibers and the bonding force between them.Carbon 2012, 50, 2347

8) Du X., Yu Z.-Z., Dasari A., Ma J., Mo M, Meng Y.Z., Mai Y.W. New method to prepare graphite nanocomposites. Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 2066

9) Du X., Zhou C., Wang G., Mai Y. Novel solid-state and template-free synthesis of branched polyaniline nanofibers. Chem. Mater., 2008, 20, 3806

10) Du X., Yu Z., Dasari A., Ma J, Meng Y., Mai Y. Facile Synthesis and Assembly of Cu2S Nanodisks to Corncob like Nanostructures. Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 5156.

11) Du X, Xiao M, Meng Y.,HayAS.Direct synthesis of poly(arylene disulfide)/ carbon nanosheet composites via oxidation with graphite oxide. Carbon 2005, 43, 195